A professional numismatist since 1964, he is world renowned for his
expertise in the field of ancient coins, and has authored more than 100 articles and three
books on the subject. The Robert Friedberg Award for best book of the year and four
Numismatic Literary Guild awards for excellence appear in his credits.
A member of the Professional Numismatists Guild since 1971,
he has served as educational chairman and member of the board of directors, and currently
holds the office of Vice President of the organization. He is a life member of the
American Numismatic Association, has been a contributing editor to its official
publication "The Numismatist" since 1993, and a consulting authenticator since
1980. Mr. Berk has been a participant in the ANA's annual Numismatic Theatre for the past
four years. As a fellow of the American Numismatic Society (N.Y.), he was recently
co-chairman of the educational symposium "The Science of Numismatics," and holds
membership in the International Association of Professional Numismatists. Also, Mr. Berk
is listed in Marquis' Who's Who in America